
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Kingbird steals show at Birding & Breakfast Club brunch

The Ijams' Birding & Breakfast Club Osprey Brunch, earlier this month, was quite thrilling. The shortest bird walk of the year brought big returns. We had great views of the pair of osprey tending their brood and plenty of brunch to munch while we watched.

"It was like a Kentucky Derby event," said Cindy Moffet. 

Yet, surprisingly, an eastern kingbird stole the show in the field behind us. First, we watched its aerial maneuvers as it hunted large flying insects. Kingbirds are intense, perhaps that's why their scientific name is Tyrannus tyrannus (Latin for ruler, ruler). 

We were awed when our little tyrant chased away a much larger Cooper's hawk. That's gutsy!

Because of the heat, the July Birding & Breakfast Club program—Secrets of Backyard Birds—will be indoors at Ijams, Saturday, July 5. 

- Stephen Lyn Bales. Photos Vickie Henderson, Cindy Moffet.    

Eastern kingbird ruled his domain, 
even chasing away an annoying Cooper's Hawk. 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Outdoor Adventure Camp is hot, hot, hot! Week 3

Ijams' Outdoor Adventure Camp heated up last week. Five days of temperatures in the 90s. Luckily, we had plenty of water-related activities planned.

Two buses pulled at the beginning of the week with kids from North Ridge Crossing and Haslam Boys and Girls Clubs. Each Monday the kids do not know quite what to expect; most have never been on such an adventure. Most rarely get to leave their neighborhoods all summer.

They arrive a bit nervous and leave at the end of day on Friday with hopefully wonderful memories of their week, and a bit tired after all the hiking, canoeing, paddle-boarding, biking, creek exploring, dip-netting, sweep netting and rock climbing. There's also animal presentations and scavenger hunts; a mix of education and recreation.

And yet, in the end, it's just kids getting a chance to be kids and have fun outdoors away from brick and asphalt. 

This summer, Ijams has embarked on an exciting new program for East Tennessee children: Outdoor Adventure Camp with the help of these generous partners:

          • West Knoxville Sertoma Club 
          • Boys and Girls Club of the Tennessee Valley 
          • Grassroots Outdoor Alliance 
          • Horny Toad Activewear 
          • Pelican International 
           • River Sports Outfitters 

Ijams will be able to offer camp scholarships for kids in traditionally under-served communities. 

After the first three weeks we've seen kids from Walter P. Taylor, Western Heights, Middlebrook, North Ridge Crossing and Haslam Boys and Girls Clubs.

Here's some highlights of week three:

- By Jennifer Roder, Stephen Lyn Bales. Photos SLB.

 Outdoor Adventure Camp!  A look back.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Ijams albino box turtle celebrates fifth birthday with rescuer

Aaron Bullock with the albino box turtle he rescued in 2009.

Five years ago, Aaron Bullock found a very small, pale turtle near his driveway. He rescued the odd reptile and named it "Space Rocket." His father Andy called Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency wondering what to do.

He soon learned that Space Rocket was a box turtle, a protected species in the state, and that because it was an albino it would not survive long in the wild. 

Albinism is a congenital disorder characterized by the complete or partial absence of color in the skin, hair and eyes due to the absence of tyrosinase, a copper-containing enzyme involved in the production of melanin, i.e. natural pigments. Also, albinistic animals tend to have weak immune systems, very sensitive eyes and lack the necessary camouflage to hide from predators.

Ijams was asked to take in the tiny thing in as an education animal.  For months, our vet Dr. Louise Conrad had to hand-feed the little one until she was old and strong enough to feed itself.

This past week, Aaron who is now eight-years-old paid Space Rocket a visit to mark the five year anniversary of her rescue.

Good job, Aaron!

- Stephen Lyn Bales

Aaron's "Space Rocket" now lives in the Exhibit Hall at Ijams
Aaron and Dr. Louise Conrad who patiently hand-fed the weak turtle for months
before it was strong enough to feed itself. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Celebrate the first day of summer s'more, s'more, s'more

Building a solar oven to cook s'mores on live TV
with WBIR's Emily Stroud and videographer Brian Holt

Summer Solstice Party at Ijams. 

Join us this Saturday, June 21 for a celebration of the solstice! We'll start at 5 and end at 9 p.m. 

Yes, it’s that crazy time of year when we experience the longest day and the shortest night. Ijams will be celebrating with activities like creating sundials, cooking s’mores in solar ovens and catching fireflies. We’ll even be building a celebratory fire in our fire pit so you can roast a hot dog with us and enjoy the evening! 

The fee is $5 per person for Ijams members and $8 per person for non-members, children under 3 are free. Please call (865) 577-4717, ext. 110 to register.

- Jennifer Roder. Photos Stephen Lyn Bales.

There's always a smile when you've just eaten a fresh sun-baked s'more.
WBIR's charming Emily Stroud and Ijams s'more chef extraordinaire, Peg Beute

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Ijams completes second week of Outdoor Adventure Camp!

We DID it! Confidence building.

Joy. It's unmistakable. You can see it on their faces. 

But, before that, sometimes there's a little trepidation. Trying something new, like canoeing, kayaking or even riding a bike can be a little intimidating, if you have never done it.

But doing it is a confidence builder.

This summer, Ijams is embarking on an exciting new program for East Tennessee children. Outdoor Adventure Camp!

Yes, outside all day—hiking, canoeing, paddle-boarding, biking, creek exploring, dip-netting, sweep netting and rock climbing.

With the help of generous partners:

          • West Knoxville Sertoma Club 
          • Boys and Girls Club of the Tennessee Valley 
          • Grassroots Outdoor Alliance 
          • Horny Toad Activewear 
          • Pelican International 
           • River Sports Outfitters 

Ijams will be able to offer camp scholarships for kids in traditionally under-served communities. 

After the first two weeks we've seen kids from Walter P. Taylor, Western Heights and the new Middlebrook Boys and Girls Clubs.

Here's some highlights of week two:

- By Jennifer Roder, Stephen Lyn Bales. Photos SLB.

By the end of the week, the kids work as a team.

Riding a mountain bike can be a little overwhelming, at first.
All you need is a little help getting started.

New this week: a simulated backcountry rescue.

A call comes in. There's an injured woman who needs to be located.
A rescue team is assembled and takes to the trail.
The pretend victim is found and comforted; injuries assessed. 

A look back. 
Outdoor Adventure Camp!  Week 1.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Smokies Hiking Club visits, passes through to Ross Marble

The Retired Citizens of the Smokies Hiking Club visited this past week; well, really more of a pass through. Parking at the Visitor Center, the group hiked to Ross Marble Natural Area and beyond, exploring part of the Knox Urban Wilderness: South Loop. They paused long enough at Mead's Quarry for a snapshot.

- Stephen Lyn Bales

Friday, June 13, 2014

KTOS celebrates 90th Anniversary where it all began

KTOS 2014. Photo by Karen Wilkinson.
KTOS Logo designed by H.P. Ijams

In 1924, the East Tennessee Ornithological Society was founded under the leadership of  H.P. Ijams, who served as the club's first president. The Ijams’ "Island Home" was their rallying point. A few years later, the group changed its name to the Knoxville Chapter of the Tennessee Ornithological Society (KTOS).

The bird club still meets at Ijams once or twice a year. In early June they met to celebrate their 90th Anniversary where it all began.

Happy Anniversary!

- Stephen Lyn Bales. Top photo Karen Wilkinson.

KTOS 1940. (H.P. Ijams, back row, fourth from right.)

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Ijams takes to the High Ground...Ft. Higley and River Bluff

The Ijams Hiking Club took to the high ground. 

And, oh what a view!

We closed out the month of May with a perfect Saturday morning for a hike, albeit a bit warm by the time we finished. 

This time we explored a portion of the "Knoxville Urban Wilderness: Battlefield Loop" south of the river and UT. We went to High Ground Park and Ft. Higley, then on to River Bluff and the best view of the city. 

It's in-your-face overwhelming!

Our next hike is this Saturday, June 14, 9 a.m. We'll meet at the Visitor Center and carpool to our starting point, exploring a new section of the South Loop. To register call, (865) 577-4717, ext. 110.

For more information about the Knoxville Urban Wilderness go to: Legacy Parks. 

- Stephen Lyn Bales

- Special thanks to Eric Johnson. Additional photos: Joel Gambrell 

High Ground Park: Ft. Higley
View towards downtown Knoxville
View towards UT and Ft. Sanders