
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ijams is bruised by storms but not broken

Oh, what a night!

April 27, 2011 will be remembered for its savagery. It seems nature also has a serious side. Thunder, lightning, high winds, tornadoes and hail the size of jawbreakers. (You know: not as big as a ping-pong ball but bigger than an RC Cola bottle cap.)

Ijams suffered damage to all the skylights in the Visitor Center, the solar panels and windows on both of the Prius hybrids. BONK! BAM! BONK! SHATTERED!

Several major trees are down and a few trails will be closed for a brief time until cleared of debris. (Question: If a tree falls in the woods and there's no one to hear it does it still make a sound? Probably in this case it does.) Regardless, our spirits are high—dinged and dampened—we're open and the plant sale is still scheduled for Saturday.

Ijams is a non-profit. Donations to help with our out-of-pocket expenses for the storm damage clean up will be greatly appreciated.

- Text and photo by Stephen Lyn Bales

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