
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Migrating warblers passing through Ijams

Blackburnian warbler (Dendroica fusca) in summer plumage
named in honor of English naturalist Anna Blackburne

Migration is slowly but surely starting at Ijams. This morning we set out early hoping to come across some flocks of early migrants but started feeling like we may be out of luck when we only found goldfinches, chickadees and titmice. 

After some searching, we found a mixed flock of migrants including a Cape May warbler, Blackburnian warblers (at least one still in summer plumage), chestnut-sided warbler, magnolia warblers and American redstarts. 

This is a nice assortment of warblers, but it shows that migration has not fully started here yet. Next week with the cooling temperatures migration will surely pick up, and we’ll see a higher diversity of species. 

As for now, it is fun to see a few passing warblers here and there. 

- Story by Emily Boves

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