
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fall bird count at Ijams held last Sunday

Swainson's thrush (Catharus ustulatus)

Sunday was the Knox County Fall Bird Count. Emily and Than Boves, plus Steven Brinkley and Katie Percy counted at Ijams for 4.5 hours.

Although it was a good day, Emily felt a lot of the warblers she saw on Friday had moved on. The migratory species with the highest total was the magnolia warbler, the second highest was Swainson's Thrush. 

Here is their complete list:

> Canada Goose 5
> Wood Duck 1
> Pied-billed Grebe 1
> Great Blue Heron 1
> Green Heron 1
> Mourning Dove 8
> Yellow-billed Cuckoo 1
> Chimney Swift 18
> Ruby-throated Hummingbird 3
> Belted Kingfisher 1
> Red-bellied Woodpecker 9
> Downy Woodpecker 9
> Northern Flicker 1
> Pileated Woodpecker 3
> Eastern Wood-Pewee 8
> Yellow-bellied Flycatcher 1
> Eastern Phoebe 2
> Yellow-throated Vireo 1
> Red-eyed Vireo 3
> Blue Jay 45
> American Crow 9
> Carolina Chickadee 48
> Tufted Titmouse 22
> White-breasted Nuthatch 12
> Carolina Wren 37
> Eastern Bluebird 4
> Gray-cheeked Thrush 2
> Swainson's Thrush 21
> American Robin 5
> Gray Catbird 2
> Northern Mockingbird 5
> Brown Thrasher 6
> Black-and-white Warbler 3
> Tennessee Warbler 17
> Hooded Warbler 1
> American Redstart 6
> Cape May Warbler 1
> Northern Parula 3
> Magnolia Warbler 36
> Bay-breasted Warbler 1
> Blackburnian Warbler 2
> Chestnut-sided Warbler 8
> Palm Warbler 5
> Eastern Towhee 1
> Field Sparrow 1
> Song Sparrow 1
> Scarlet Tanager 8
> Northern Cardinal 19
> Rose-breasted Grosbeak 2
> Indigo Bunting 6
> Eastern Meadowlark 1
> American Goldfinch 27

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