
Monday, May 7, 2012

2nd Annual William Haste Wildflower WalkAbout finds oddities

Special thanks to group leaders Bob and Lynne Davis on the right.

It was an odd spring for woodland wildflowers. February and March were so warm, many came and went early.

But that did not deter our second annual Davis led (Bob and Lynne) Wildflower WalkAbout at William Haste Natural Area near Ijams.

We found several wildflowers of note, even some oddities. Special thanks to Bob and Lynne for scouting out the trails beforehand and preparing a checklist of what was blooming. To see their list click: William Hastie Wildflowers.

- Text and photos be Stephen Lyn Bales.

Daisy Fleabane 
Doll's-eyes (more noted for its seeds that look like a doll's eyes.) 
Glade Phlox
Lyre-leaf Sage
Smooth Solomon's Seal
Solomon's Plume (formerly known as False Solomon's Seal, but there is really nothing false about it. ) 

And one big mystery. Nobody in the group could think of anything in nature, other than
a human with a power drill, that could make these holes. But why? Any thoughts?

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