
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Scout group clears understory along greenway

Ijams AmeriCorps member Warren Bryant swings a mighty axe

Travis Stevens of Troop 34 Sevierville completed his Eagle Scout Service Project for the Boy Scouts at Ijams.

Two weeks ago, Travis and his troop cleared invasive exotic shrubs—privet, honeysuckle, mimosa: a.k.a Persian silk tree (Albizia julibrissin)—from the understory along the Will Skelton Greenway to improve forest health and aesthetics along the corridor that links the Visitor Center and Plaza to the two quarry properties.

Thank you, Travis and crew!

- Story by Ed Yost. Photos by Stephen Lyn Bales.

Troop 34 Sevierville and support crew. Travis Stevens is in the center, white sleeveless shirt
holding the red-handled shovel above his head.

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