
Friday, May 17, 2013

Mead's Quarry Lake cleared of fishing tackle hazards

It took the unfortunate death of a great blue heron caught in abandoned fishing line to activate the Ijams Quarry Dog Clean-Up Crew.

The dedicated fivesome (Like the Fantastic Four plus one) took to canoes to remove fishing line, hooks, lures, weights and floats from the trees and branches along the shoreline at Mead's Quarry Lake. The clean-up took three hours and located dozens of objects that could have ensnared other birds and wildlife.

Last year, Ijams veterinarian Dr. Louise Conrad and naturalist Emily Boves rescued an American coot entangled in line and lures. Unfortunately, its injuries were so sever it had to be euthanized. 

Our hats off to all of you!

Also, special thanks to the family of Ijams Board President Karyn Adams for helping with the removal on their Mother's Day outing!

Fishermen. Please remove all tackle caught in trees! 

- Story and photos by Stephen Lyn Bales

Lauren Bird and Tanner Scruggs work on line caught on a snag
Daniel Lassman untangles line from a sycamore branch
A selection of dangerous items that could have killed birds
Job well done! Ijams Quarry Dogs Rescue Crew: Daniel Lassman, Victoria Deren, 
Tanner Scruggs and Lauren Bird

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