
Monday, November 11, 2013

Enchanted Day be held at Ijams woods 'n' all

At ye Plaza Pond home o' turtle 'n' froggy, snacking 'n' watching ye Bradys

Ahoy! Ye dread pirate Red Gray Squirrely would lik' to thank all ye mateys who did adventure out t' Enchanted Day at Ijams.

Aye! Ye ponds 'n' woods 'n' buggy house be alive with animals that told thar stories. Thar be ye eight-eyed spiddy, ye Crawla Deen the Butta-fly, ye owl babies, ye froggy (green she was), ye green-faced turtle, 'n' me—an ol' sea-dog pirate squirrel who steals ye birdseed. Arrrrrrr!

All stepped up t' speak ye tongue o' ye people. Tell thar stories good. Stories o' thar survival. Arrrrr! Be true! Woodland critters be a speakin'. Queen's English. Enchanted thar was.

Ye pirate squirrely told ye story o' be 'e treasure o' acorns, walnuts 'n' seeds all pillaged. Booty enough that get 'e through winter. Treasure box full, fittin' enough fer Long John Silver 'imself. Ye be told good 'n' true. As true as a bilge rat pirate can be. Arrrrrrr!

All proceeds—ye pieces of eight—went fer ye education department at nature center. Good folks. Aye, thar talk a lot 'bout ye critters, ye critters turn to speak. 

Thank ye all. Batten down ye hatches cold weather be a comin'. 


- Guest blogger: Dread Pirate Red Gray Squirrely

Shiver me timbers! Ye owl babies takes var peeks

Ye spiddy spins 'er yarn, cast 'er web o' spider teachin's

Ye butta-fly talks 'er supper, 'er grog, 'er eatin's
Ye green-faced turtle shows 'er kin while froggy looks on, but that be what froggies do. 
Ye mildly insane Red Gray Squirrely protects 'e acorn booty from scallywag pirate squirrels like 'imself 

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