
Thursday, December 22, 2016

Seasoned greetings from the staff at Ijams

Startled, they looked towards the flock of crows to the west completely ignoring the man 
with the camera hidden in the bushes behind them.

Happy Holidays:
 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
from the staff at Ijams.

Spend time with family, someone you love, 
and/or go outside into nature. She'll always comfort you.  
And if you are very lucky, you might encounter 
a trio of well seasoned, Yule log-deers.

- Stephen Lyn Bales

(Editor's note: 2016 was so wonderfully busy, 
I didn't have time to blog about everything we did. 
Several things went unposted, 
so I will use the first few weeks of 2017 to catch up. 
Peace to you.)

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