
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Ijams' snapping turtle is ill, being treated

Common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina

If you have been in the Exhibit Hall lately, you noticed that the snapping turtle appears to be on a bit of a holiday. He's in a blue kiddie wading pool in front of his normal tank.

He is ill, under treatment for suspected septic arthritis in his left elbow and shoulder. Ijams' vet, Dr. Louise Conrad, is giving him a shot of antibiotics every three days and it's just easier for her to administer the medicine in the shallow pool and not have to chase him around the large tank. The antibiotic being used usually works well on reptiles with such skeletal issues because it has good bone penetration.  

Septic arthritis develops when bacteria or other tiny disease-causing organisms (microorganisms) spread through the bloodstream to a joint.

After 30 days, the turtle will have a new CAT scan at U.T. Veterinary Teaching Hospital to see if there has been any improvement, if not his treatment will be adjusted.

The snapper is roughly 20-years-old, very young by turtle standards. We all hope he gets well and returns to his tank soon. Until then, please honor his space and grant him the peace you would any other patient. 

Flowers aren't necessary. But a donation for the cost of his care would be appreciated.  

Thank you. 

- Stephen Lyn Bales 

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