
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Hikers start with Ijams but soon accomplished much more

Congratulations go to Terry Jenkins and Amy Oakley. They both just finished walking all of the trails in Knoxville's Urban Wilderness: South Loop which includes all the trails at Ijams.

Terry began his quest during the Ijams: March Hike-A-Thon and Amy began her's on a hike in May with the Ijams Saturday Hiking Club

They soon became hiking partners and started knocking off two or more trails a week. Currently, there's a total of 49 trails, but most are short. The longest on the checklist is AC/DC which measures 2.9 miles, and that was the last they walked a week ago. However, most of the trails are much shorter, it's a network that to some degree begin at Ijams and covers mostly public lands to the east.

For Amy it took exactly three months to cover all 40-plus miles. Terry and Amy both earned a Knoxville Urban Wilderness patch presented by the Legacy Parks Foundation. 

For those wanting a checklist of all the trails in the Knox Urban Wilderness: South Loop click: gotta record it.

- Stephen Lyn Bales

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