
Friday, January 8, 2016

December Owl-ology 101 class was a hootie hoot

Photo by Jason Dykes

Our second Owl-ology 101 class of the season was held just before the holiday break. It was a quick look at the owl species that can be found in East Tennessee, plus a little information about their life history. 

Local wildlife rehabilitator Lynne McCoy joined us again with owl pellets to dissect, some had wonderfully intact skulls, in addition to the numerous small tibias, fibulas, femurs and vertebrae that rodentia tend to have. She also brought the star-of-the-show Sugar, the rescued albino barred owl that is now under her care. 

The whimsical owl-themed munchies were prepared by our own naturalist/educator Sammi Stoklosa. (Who knew she could make an owl out of crudités.)

Photo by Rex McDaniel
The class proved to be so popular—56 people attended—that we scheduled a third for this Sunday, January 10. But now that one is completely booked, so we scheduled one more for Sunday, February 7 at 2 p.m. It will be the last Owl-ology 101 of the seasonFee: Ijams' members $5, non-members $8. To register call (865) 577-4717, ext. 110. 

In the future look for Woody-ology 101, Hawk-ology 101 and Frog-ology 101.

And don't forget Ijams' Quack-ology 101, our informative and fun look at local duck species scheduled for Sunday, January 31. (I'll bet we serve cheese and quackers.) Register for it at the same number as above.

- Stephen Lyn Bales. Photos by Rex McDaniel, Jason Dykes and moi. 

Here is a look at the fun we had:

Photo by Rex McDaniel

Photo by Rex McDaniel
Photo by Rex McDaniel
Photo by Rex McDaniel
Photo by Rex McDaniel
Photo by Rex McDaniel

Photo by Rex McDaniel
Photo by Rex McDaniel
Photo by Rex McDaniel
Food too pretty to eat, but darn, we ate it anyway. Thanks, Sammi!

And finally, outside for a walk in the woods. Photo by Rex McDaniel

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