
Thursday, March 3, 2016

First Weed Wrangle planned for this Saturday

Alien bush honeysuckle leafs out early depriving other native plants and wildflowers of sunlight.

This so no X-File. There are highly invasive alien plants quietly taking over Knoxville.

What can we do about it? We don't need Scully or Mulder for this one, although it would be nice to see them. Maybe they could come to Peg's breakfast.

Yesterday, Ijams grounds manager Ben Nanny was on WBIR's Live@5@4 to talk about the first annual Weed Wrangle Knoxville. Here is the info:

Saturday, March 5, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Weed Wrangle at Ijams

Join Ijams for the first ever Weed Wrangle Knoxville event. Volunteers will gather at the nature center and at least three other locations across Knoxville to remove invasive plants like privet, bush honeysuckle, kudzu and English ivy. To volunteer email Lauren Bird at

Click here to see Ben on Live@5@4.

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