
Friday, August 26, 2016

Ijams Sunday ologists go Dragon Questing

Insect whisperer Jackson

Kids and bugs. What better way to spend a summer afternoon? Yes, we know, it's old school and kids aren't entertained by real bugs, only virtual bugs. But, surprise, surprise.

Sunday's Dragon Quest at Ijams unfolded on an ideal afternoon to study the carnivorous order of insects: Odonata—the toothed ones. We had beautiful weather to search for dragons and even damsels.

And our group managed to catch and release and/or photograph three species of dragonfly: Slaty Skimmer (Libellula incesta), Blue Dasher (Pachydiplax longipennis) and Eastern Pondhawk (Erythemis simplicicollis). Plus one species of damselfly; best guess Eastern Red Damsel (Amphiagrion saucium).

Thanks to all dragon-ologist and to Jason Dykes and Rex McDaniel for their steady camera work and to Kim, Nick and Clare for helping with the outdoor activities.

Next up: Flutterby-ology in Sunday, September 18, 2 p.m. to register call 577-4717, ext. 110.

- Stephen Lyn Bales

Searching for dragonfly nymphs called naiads. Photo Rex McDaniel
A pair of skimmer dragons. Photos by John Goodall
Sorting naiads. Photo by Rex McDaniel
Blue dasher dragonfly Photo by Jason Dykes

Eastern pondhawk dragonfly Photo by Jason Dykes
Slaty Skimmer dragonfly Photo by Jason Dykes

Perhaps eastern red damsel??  Photo by Clare Dattilo

A dragonfly nymph's shed exoskeleton is called an exuviae. Isn't that a fun word? Photo by Clare Dattilo 

Photo be Rex McDaniel
 And as always the families brought most excellent dragonfly foods to share. Here's a sampling. 
Photos by Rex McDaniel

Ijams Dragon-ologists

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