
Friday, October 7, 2016

Girl Scouts become Animal Detectives for a day

Who killed Bruce "Bring the Funk" Skunk?


Cue the theme music from TV's "Dragnet.

There's been a murder most foul...smelling. 

Local Girl Scouts met at Ijams last Sunday for an Animal Detectives badge workshop.

They learned about their own fingerprints and animal tracks, messages in bird songs, dissected regurgitated owl pellets to look for the remains of rodential victims—mouse bones and skulls—and had to solve a crime: who killed Bruce "Bring the Funk" Skunk. There were three prime predator suspects. But who who who did it?

For 93 years, since the days of H.P and Alice Ijams, Girl Scouts have been coming to badge workshops at our South Knoxville location.

Thank you Jennifer for creating such a fun and investigative workshop curriculum and Ashlind for helping solve the crime.

-Stephen Lyn Bales

Meet arch, simple loop, simple loop, arch, arch.


Take home bag of bones
Crime scene photo. Don't look. 

Ashlind reads the case file of the first suspect: Shakespeare "The Bard" Owl
Or could it have been Robert "Bob" Cat?
The detectives ponder the clues.

We got our badges!

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