
Sunday, May 28, 2017

WBIR's Live@5@4 brings hour long show to Ijams

The Live@5@4 gang: Emily Stroud, Beth Haynes, Russell Biven and Todd Howell holding cutout of "The Voice" winner Chris Blue

Imagine an entire hour of WBIR's Live@5@4 broadcast live from Ijams. Wow! Wouldn't that be fun!

And indeed that is what happened last Monday, May 22. And all of the smiling-faced Live@5@4 gang were here. We talked about things happening at the nature center this summer and rooted for fellow Knoxvillian Chris Blue to win TV's The Voice. The finals were announced just a few hours later and Blue did indeed win.

Amber Parker 

Ijams new executive director Amber Parker welcomed the WBIRians. Newsman John Becker interviewed summer camp director Christie Collins in kayaks on the river, news anchor Robin Wilhoit and reporter Emily Stroud explored the treetops with Navitat. Stroud also chatted with Stephen Lyn about snakes. 

Co-hosts Russell Biven and Beth Haynes interviewed Dr. Bob Overholt about common summer health concerns and Todd Howell spoke to chef Miss Olivia about summer picnics.  

Also, Ijams Education Director Jen Roder chatted about our oh-so-odd emergence of 17-year-cicadas four years too early and Sarah Brobst spoke of upcoming special events.

Thank you WBIR Live@5@4 producer Lee Ann Bowman for arranging the show and to videographers Brian Holt and Tim Dale for making us all look good.

Was it ready for its close up? Emily, I believe our snake is disappearing into the camera!

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