
Sunday, August 13, 2017

Chasing bugs at Ijams, yes we know, it's old school

The great Ijams Bug Safari was held this sunny afternoon. In all, 56 kids ranging in age from 4 to 66 chased insects and spiders around the grassy hillside near Jo's Grove. 

Using swept nets, plastic cups and raw enthusiasm the junior naturalists caught a table full of grasshoppers, cicadas, stinkbugs, butterflies, moths, crickets, katydids, leaf hoppers, beetles, roly-polies, dragonflies, damselflies, spiders and three pretty scary parasitic wasps. (The bug catchers were taught beforehand to avoid anything in the stinging Hymenoptera order but these, we guess, were just too tempting. Creepy is creepy, after all.)

Ijams has been a safe place for kids to connect with nature since the summer of 1923.

Next month we wade Toll Creek looking for crawdads and aquatic insects.

- Thank you Janet, Jen and Sara Cate for helping.

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